Essay writer

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Basil Emara
Professor of Analysis & Mechanics of Structures
Former Head of the Civil Engineering Department
Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development
كلية الهندسة (المطرية) – جامعة حلوان
Facebook: Basil Emara
The Faculty of Engineering-Mataria, Helwan University is well known for its highly renowned departments which include Civil, Architectural, Mechanical Power, Automobile & Tractor, Mechanical Design, Physics and Mathematics, Engineering Departments... The undergraduate academic structure has been expanded by integrating new programs (with tuition) into the system.. Such new programs incorporate the credit hour system & specialize in distinctly selected modern academic fields that are directly linked to the industry. These programs include the three B.Sc. level programs Structural Engineering, Energy Engineering & Digital Architecture ... This academic year, two new programs were officially approved, namely, Mechatronics in Automobiles & Project Management & Sustainable Construction ...
At the start of the new academic year & in light of the continuing traces & effects of the new Corona Virus Pandemic, COVID-19, & taking into account the state’s keenness to protect the health and livers of the citizens in general and especially in the field of higher education, many precautionary measures have been announced. The precautionary measures to combat the spread of this pandemic, as announced by the Supreme Council of Universities, which includes besides the well-known measures of providing detergents, disinfection and sterilization materials and ensuring that everyone wears masks, it has extended to include incorporating distant learning techniques such as a “blended” or “hybrid” systems. To clarify the difference between these two systems and the usual educational systems in universities prior to the outbreak of the pandemic, as especially applied in practical colleges such as the Faculty of Engineering at Al-Mataria, the usual education systems depend on 100% student attendance records so, what is the difference then from blended or hybrid systems ?? The difference is that the latter two mix remote education using the Internet to teach students 40% of the curriculum while attending the remaining 60% in college .. This in turn ensures that a smaller number of students will be present in the faculty every day, which by default, reduces the risk of their exposure to the virus... But it should be noted that in either methods, the entire curriculum has to be taught...
However, in light of the situation surrounding the pandemic and its easy and rapid spread, it was necessary to lay scientific and health basis to organize lectures and classes in the faculty where students have to attend the remaining 60%.. Therefore, the following rules were set in order to ensure that this is implemented:
1. Classes must be properly naturally ventilated,
2. Everybody without exception, have to wear medical masks,
3. Social distancing between students should be at least one meter in all directions,
4. "Staggered Seating Scheme" has to be enforced so that students do not sit behind each other,
5. The number of attendees should not exceed one-third of the design capacity of the classrooms and
6. Teaching should be done using blended or hybrid education (40% online)...
And here comes the role of the Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development in setting up a plan and on following up the implementation of these procedures with the aid of specialized Faculty staff in order to ensure the proper application of this plan, such as; measuring the temperatures of those entering the faculty and them wearing masks, as well as monitoring the application of precautionary measures & social distancing in classrooms etc...
one must also note the importance of using electronic surveillance cameras in monitoring the implementation of these procedures...
It is worth noting the complete support given by the university and college administration in order to implement the precautionary measures, social distancing and hybrid or blended education ...
It is also worth noting that with the commencement of the new year and in light of the continuing effects of this pandemic at the global level, we must adhere to the protocols adopted for crisis management and continue to apply the standards of precautionary measures, social distancing and combating the spread of the pandemic...
May dear God help our cause for the good of our beloved Egypt and her great people, and may God protect us all against epidemics and diseases ....